Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 and What You Need to Know

Jeffrey Schneider, EA, CTRS, NTPIF

Yep, it’s Monday and not Thursday but last week was a busy one and I wanted to share this information about the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 and What You Need to Know with you today.

What do I do when I am not in the office?

A week ago, I was a presenter for the Florida Society of Enrolled Agents’ Annual January Education Events in Deerfield Beach and Lakeland. I was in the office for 1½ days in between. I serve as the Society‘s Education Chair, and I coordinate the speakers and introduced and emceed much of the event.

On top of that, I was helping our Executive Vice President, the person who actually “runs” the organization set everything up, carrying boxes, setting up the screen and doing whatever needs to be done. Why? Am I such a great guy? Heck no, the EVP is my wife and I do as I am told.

In all reality, I enjoy teaching and as most of you know, I travel the country doing just that.

What does have to do with anything? Good Question!!

The link below is short video regarding some of the major points of the new law, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. The tax simplification plan that has some really complicated pieces, especially if you are self-employed, or a shareholder in an S-corporation or partner in a partnership.

Your personal return just became so much more complicated. Will this link talk about that now? Way too much information for a two-minute video. But it does talk about some things you need to know. So take a peek and we can talk if you have questions and concerns.

So until next time


Jeffrey “Helping to uncomplicate a complicated issue” Schneider


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