Sheltering in Place Activities

Sheltering in Place can get tedious and old very quickly.

While many of you are home because; they have deemed your business non-essential and may have lost your job. Or you are working from home because of underlying health issues (as I am), or are following the Shelter in Place recommendations(as Marissa is) to stay at home, boredom does sets in.

We have put together a list of resources with activities that may help to fill your time. Marissa, our Office Manager (and daughter) will update the list weekly. If you have any websites, YouTube videos, or suggestions that others might enjoy, please email her at, and she will add it to the list.

Here are ways to keep your kids engaged while “distance learning” at home:

Keep to a schedule!

Arts & Crafts projects to do at home


More to do

Healthy food recipes

Quick,  and easy breakfast option