“GOAT”- Best EA- February 5, 2019

Hello Fellow Taxpayers,

Well, the GOAT has done it again. Though it was not the best played Super Bowl of all time, the best quarterback and maybe the best head coach of all time, won their 6th championship, more than anyone else. Also, they are both, the oldest to have done so.

The point, my friends is that there is hope for us to succeed, no matter how old we are. We can always do better at our jobs, our relationships and our hobbies. I still thrive to be the best tax professional I can by looking out for my clients. I also aspire to be the best boss (OK, second in command, but we will let that one go for now), husband and father that I can be. We are all not perfect, but we should learn from our mistakes.

Hence the reason I spend countless hours reading and perfecting my trade.

So until next time,


Jeffrey “Trying to be the GOAT of Enrolled Agents” Schneider

Last weeks letter can be found here

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